Band Party Guidelines
Band parties are a reward for all the time, effort, and hard work the band and guard members have put into accomplishing a great performance. Please note the
following party guidelines:
following party guidelines:
- Occurs after a football game that the band and guard attend or after a band competition.
- Party is at the home of the parents of a band or guard member.
- Party can be co-hosted and cost shared by several families.
- Hosting family sets starting and ending times for party (remember curfew).
- Minimum of 12 chaperones required for each party.
- Party for band and guard members only (Host family members Ok too). No - Boy friends, girl friends, best friends, etc…
- Students remain on the premises – do not wander through the neighborhood.
- No alcohol or drugs to be consumed by parents.
- No alcohol, drugs, or smoking by students.
- Band and guard members are not permitted to bring any liquid carrying containers of any kind to the party. Such items are to be left in the cars.